Revision and query coaching for fiction writers. 

Specific Holistic Market-Informed 

You’ve read all the craft books, been to all the workshops and conferences, and begged your writer friends to read your pages more times than you can count.

But you still haven’t found what you’re really craving: Specific and actionable feedback on the entirety of your story with someone who understands the publishing marketplace and whose only agenda is to help you fully realize your vision on the page.

Hi, I’m Dahlia, an Author Accelerator Certified book coach.

I help fiction writers take their manuscript from messy first draft to pitch-ready, and navigate the query process with clarity and confidence.

Drawing on over 15 years of experience working with writers, I bring expert editorial guidance, holistic thinking, and a market-informed approach to every project.


Are you sick of:

  • Vague, rambling notes that never seem to get to the point or don’t know the point they’re trying to make?

  • Feedback that’s actually a poorly disguised opinion rather than informed by the work?

  • Quickly tossed-off comments to fulfill an obligation rather than a deeply considered response to what you were trying to convey?

 Too often we ask for or receive feedback from people who either don’t know how to give it or don’t take the time to make it helpful.

As a book coach I am one hundred percent focused on providing you with clear and actionable feedback that is informed by what YOU want your book to be. Every one of my packages includes an extensive intake Q&A as well as introductory and follow up calls which gives me the grounding and context to bring out the best in your work.


Writers’ groups and workshops often only address a few pages or a chapter at a time. But a story is a cohesive whole, not a bunch of interchangeable parts. And you can’t know if a manuscript is truly working without looking at it holistically.

As a book coach I am always focused on making sure the parts support the whole, whether I’m doing a full manuscript review or diving into how a specific scene moves the character’s arc forward.


Sick of sending out queries and hearing nothing but crickets? This is the thinking that will change that for you. It’s crucial to know how to properly position your work to be understood by those whose job is to sell it.

This is not about “writing to the market.” It’s about being crystal clear on your story and finding the best way to describe it so that it is both fully represented and appeals to the people you’re hoping to work with.

No one can promise you publication. But you can absolutely set yourself up better for success in the marketplace. And you can do it without compromising your vision, losing the heart of your work, or going against your values.



  • Three Chapter Edit

    Make your opening pages shine

  • Full Manuscript Evaluation

    Find direction for your next draft.

  • Query Coaching

    Take your work into the world with confidence.

  • Ongoing Revision Coaching

    Execute your revision with strategy and support.


  • I read and coach in a wide variety of genres but am most comfortable working with fantasy, science fiction, book club fiction, women’s fiction, cozy mystery, and historical fiction writers. I am not the best coach for horror, romance, or religious topics.

  • I like to think of a book coach as a personal trainer for your writing life. They are with you through every step of the writing process offering expert feedback, project management, and emotional support. It is a role that has emerged over the last decade as publishing companies have consolidated and overworked editors don’t have the time to nurture writers the way they once did. Learn more about how a book coach can help at every step of the process here.

  • Author Accelerator is leading the way in shaping the future of book coaching and holding it to the high standards that writers and coaches both deserve. If you’re interested in becoming a book coach yourself, find out more here.

I help writers realize their vision.