Query Coaching

Take your work into the world with confidence.

The query process isn’t just about making sure your materials are as good as they can be (though of course that is important). It is vital to approach querying with strategy, clarity on what you want out of the process, and the right mindset.

Too many people go into querying with their only goal being to get an agent, any agent, desperate to be picked. This can lead to decisions made out of desperation or fear rather than logic and strategy and result in a bad experience for everyone. When you acknowledge and own your own power in the process, you give your book its best shot at success.

Querying is also a very vulnerable time when emotions around fear of rejection, visibility, and success can come up and cloud the process. By bringing on a coach as you prepare to take your book into the world, you will emerge clear-eyed, focused, and confident for whatever comes next.

You will receive: 

  • A detailed questionnaire to define your publishing goals and what you are looking for in an agent.

  • A 1-hour video call to discuss how to approach the query process, common questions that come up along the way, and how to determine if an agent is the right fit.

  • Three rounds of edits on your query letter and synopsis.

  • A 1-hour wrap-up call to answer any final questions, solidify your strategy and send you off with all the knowledge and encouragement you need to navigate the agent search with grace and confidence.

After our work together you will have a greater understanding of what you want in an agent, confidence in your pitch materials, and the strategy and insight to navigate a difficult process.

Price: $250

Book a discovery call today to see if this package is the right fit for you.